SHARE in Anaheim

7:00 AM-7:45 AM
11931: Focus Group: The Mobile Computing Revolution
Speaker: John Gibson
La Jolla (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
8:00 AM-9:00 AM
12076: Buffer-to-Buffer Credits, Exchanges, and Urban Legends
Speaker: Howard Johnson
Project: Storage
Elite 2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11663: GDPS Active/Active Sites Update
Speaker: Steven D. Cook
Project: MVS Storage Management
Grand Ballroom Salon H (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11180: How A Commercial Software Product Is Architected
Speaker: Tom Harper
Project: Assembler Language
Grand Ballroom Salon B (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11487: ICSF Update
Speaker: Greg Boyd
Project: Security and Compliance
Platinum Ballroom Salon 8 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11156: IPv6 Basics
Speaker: Laura Knapp
Project: Communications Technologies
Grand Ballroom Salon A (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11840: Installing ISV Mainframe Products through a Web Browser with CA MSM: Update and User Experiences
Speakers: Mark Zelden , Summer Spaulding and Mary Anne Matyaz
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Platinum Ballroom Salon 5 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11500: Introduction to WLM Management of CICS and IMS Workloads
Speaker: Peter Enrico
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Grand Ballroom Salon J (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11436: It's More Than DB2: Exploiting the Open Transaction Environment
Speaker: Russ Evans
Project: CICS
Platinum Ballroom Salon 2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11339: Leveraging Data Power with z/OS Sysplex Distributor
Speaker: Tom Cosenza
Project: Communications Server
Platinum Ballroom Salon 9 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11191: Linux for Beginners Hands-on Lab Part 1 of 3
Speaker: Neale Ferguson
Project: Linux
Orange County - Salon 2/3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11404: Overcoming Integration Challenges in Cloud Computing - It is Worth the Investment
Speakers: Joseph Gulla and Prabhakar Attaluri
Project: Virtualization
Platinum Ballroom Salon 10 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11537: REXX Language Coding Techniques
Speaker: Virgil Hein
Project: Language Environment, COBOL, PL/I, C/C++ and REXX
Platinum Ballroom Salon 3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11519: Storage Tiering - A New Frontier for Mainframe Storage
Speaker: Michael R. Rogers
Project: MVS Storage Management
Platinum Ballroom Salon 1 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11715: System Logger Update
Speaker: Nicholas Jones
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Grand Ballroom Salon G (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11810: What's New in Linux on System z?
Speaker: Martin Schwidefsky
Project: Linux
Platinum Ballroom Salon 4 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12068: Which Table (Space) Type and Page Size Shall I Choose for DB2 on z/OS?
Speaker: John Iczkovits
Project: Database
Platinum Ballroom Salon 7 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11971: Your Webinar SUCKS!
Speaker: Randall Munson
Project: Professional Development
Grand Ballroom Salon E/F (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
9:30 AM-10:30 AM
11581: A Different Way to Perform z/OS Maintenance
Speaker: Ed Webb
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Grand Ballroom Salon G (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11491: Analizing/Monitoring Performance Of z/OS I/O Operations: DASD and Tape - Performance View
Speaker: Meral Temel
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Grand Ballroom Salon E/F (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11174: Assembler "Boot Camp" Part 4 of 5
Speaker: Sharuff Morsa
Project: Assembler Language
Grand Ballroom Salon B (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11835: Automated Shutdowns using either System Automation for z/OS or GDPS
Speaker: Gabriele Frey-Ganzel
Project: Data Center Management
Elite 1 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11980: BSAM, QSAM, and BPAM Support of zHPF
Speaker: Irma T. Flores-Mendoza
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Platinum Ballroom Salon 5 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11437: CICS Platform and Applications Advanced Concepts
Speaker: Matthew Webster
Project: CICS
Platinum Ballroom Salon 2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12102: CloudSAFE™ – Cloud-Based Tape Vaulting Solution For Mainframe Environments from Luminex and Nirvanix
Speakers: Arthur Tolsma and Scott James
Project: Vendor Sponsored Presentations
Elite 3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12062: EMC Disk Tiering Technology Review
Speaker: John Grehl
Project: MVS Storage Management
Grand Ballroom Salon H (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12056: IBM Academic Initiative: How to add Mainframe skills to your business
Speakers: Kathy Pfeiffer and Donald Resnik
Gold Key 1/2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11155: IPv6 Addressing
Speaker: Nalini Elkins
Project: Communications Technologies
Grand Ballroom Salon A (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11192: Linux for Beginners Hands-on Lab Part 2 of 3
Speaker: Neale Ferguson
Project: Linux
Orange County - Salon 2/3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11895: Network Problem Diagnosis with Packet Traces
Speaker: David Cheng
Project: Network Management and Security
Platinum Ballroom Salon 9 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11922: Planning and Migrating to z/VM Single System Image
Speaker: John Franciscovich
Project: VM
Platinum Ballroom Salon 4 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11383: The Dark Side of Monitoring MQ - SMF 115 and 116 Record Reading and Interpretation [z/OS]
Speaker: Lyn Elkins
Project: WebSphere MQ
Platinum Ballroom Salon 3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11911: The Economics of Storage Virtualization in the Mainframe Environment
Speaker: David Merrill
Project: MVS Storage Management
Platinum Ballroom Salon 1 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11808: VM and Linux on System z: If Anything Can Go Wrong, It Will
Speaker: Hans-Joachim Picht
Project: Linux
Grand Ballroom Salon C (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12040: What's New With the DS8800?
Speaker: Bob Kern
Project: Storage
Elite 2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11628: z/OS LDAP Plug-ins: Endless Opportunities
Speaker: Saheem Granados
Project: Security and Compliance
Platinum Ballroom Salon 8 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
10:30 AM-1:30 PM
11282: SHARE Technology Exchange (STE) - Wednesday
Marquis Ballroom (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
12103: (E)JES Update
Speaker: Edward Jaffe
Project: Vendor Sponsored Presentations
Elite 3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11878: Business Communication Skills: An Introduction to Reading Body Language
Speaker: Mitch Mackrory
Project: Professional Development
Platinum Ballroom Salon 10 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11170: Getting More (and Less) from Storage Virtual Provisioning and Automated Storage Tiering
Speaker: Tony Negro
Project: Storage
Elite 2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11924: Hitachi Dynamic Tiering
Speaker: William Smith
Project: MVS Storage Management
Grand Ballroom Salon H (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11193: Linux for Beginners Hands-on Lab Part 3 of 3
Speaker: Neale Ferguson
Project: Linux
Orange County - Salon 2/3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11614: Linux on System z - Performance Report for SLES11 SP2
Speaker: Christian Ehrhardt
Project: Linux
Platinum Ballroom Salon 4 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11517: Lock it down - WebSphere MQ Security [z/OS & distributed]
Speaker: Craig Both
Project: WebSphere MQ
Platinum Ballroom Salon 3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12058: SHARE Academic Excellence Award Winning Presentation
Speaker: Murat Deniz Uskaner
Gold Key 1/2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11850: Service Automation for SAP Applications on IBM zEnterprise
Speaker: Kershaw Mehta
Project: Data Center Management
Elite 1 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11345: Sysplex Networking Technologies and Considerations
Speaker: Gus Kassimis
Project: Communications Server
Grand Ballroom Salon A (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11714: System Logger Top 10 Logger Problems
Speaker: Nicholas Jones
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Grand Ballroom Salon G (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11253: System z Security Update
Speaker: Greg Boyd
Project: Security and Compliance
Platinum Ballroom Salon 8 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11438: Top Ten CICS Tuning Tips
Speaker: Ivan Gelb
Project: CICS
Platinum Ballroom Salon 2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11826: Virtual Linux Server Disaster Recovery Planning
Speaker: Rick Barlow
Project: VM
Grand Ballroom Salon C (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11374: WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile - Rumors Dispelled
Speaker: David Follis
Project: Application Development & Integration
Grand Ballroom Salon B (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11361: z/OS Running on a Laptop: RDz Developer & Test Environment Update and User Experience
Speakers: Rosalind Radcliffe and Dana Boudreau
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Platinum Ballroom Salon 1 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11:00 AM-12:15 PM
11958: DB2 for z/OS Data and Index Compression
Speaker: Willie Favero, Subject, Matter, Expert, (SME)
Project: Database
Platinum Ballroom Salon 7 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11598: System z Capacity Planning: Where the Mistakes Are
Speaker: Kathy Walsh
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Grand Ballroom Salon E/F (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12048: The Doctor is In: Conducting a z/OS Communications Server TCP/IP Health Check
Speaker: Gwen Dente
Project: Communications Server
Platinum Ballroom Salon 9 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11699: zHPF Demystified, Update and User Experience
Speakers: Sam Knutson and Dale F. Riedy
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Platinum Ballroom Salon 5 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12:15 PM-1:15 PM
11730: MVS Core Technologies Project Steering Committee
Speaker: Edward Jaffe
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Newport Beach/Rancho LP (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12111: Mainframe Virtual Tape – Where is it headed? - Lunch & Learn
Speakers: Flavio Fomin and Jay Nakagawa
Elite 1 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12109: Maximize System Availability and Performance with Tivoli System Automation Solutions - Lunch & Learn
Speaker: Kirk Bean
Platinum Ballroom Salon 2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12114: Preparing Your Development Environment for the Next Generation of Application Programmers - Lunch & Learn
Speaker: Larry Lawler
Platinum Ballroom Salon 4 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11481: The Doctor is In and Lots of Help with the MQ family - Hands-on Lab [z/OS & distributed]
Speakers: Lyn Elkins , Ralph Bateman , David Coles and David Crighton
Project: WebSphere MQ
Orange County - Salon 2/3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
1:30 PM-2:30 PM
11357: A System z Developer's Journey Through the Application Lifecycle
Speakers: Rosalind Radcliffe and Dana Boudreau
Project: Application Development & Integration
Grand Ballroom Salon B (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12104: Coordinated Recovery for DB2, IMS, and VSAM
Speaker: Rick Weaver
Project: Vendor Sponsored Presentations
Elite 3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11439: Event Processing: Insight into Your CICS Systems and Business
Speaker: Ian Mitchell, IBM
Project: CICS
Platinum Ballroom Salon 2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11860: Extending IBM WebSphere MQ and WebSphere Message Broker to the Cloud [z/OS & Distributed]
Speaker: Mark Taylor
Project: WebSphere MQ
Platinum Ballroom Salon 3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11631: High Availability for Highly Reliable Systems
Speakers: Kai Dupke and Michael Friesenegger
Project: Linux
Grand Ballroom Salon C (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11872: IBM's Academic Initiative - What Is It and Why Should Business Care?
Speakers: Donald Resnik and Kathy Pfeiffer
Project: Professional Development
Elite 1 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11873: IMS Disaster Recovery Overview
Speaker: Glenn Galler
Project: IMS
Platinum Ballroom Salon 7 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11157: IPv6 Design
Speaker: Junnie R. Sadler
Project: Communications Technologies
Grand Ballroom Salon A (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11758: JES3 SYSOUT: How It Works and How to Manage It
Speaker: David Jones
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Grand Ballroom Salon G (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11303: Linux on z/VM Performance - Understanding Disk I/O
Speaker: Rob van der Heij
Project: Linux
Platinum Ballroom Salon 10 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11426: Managing I/O Configuration from z/VM
Speaker: Arunkumaar Ramachandran
Project: VM
Grand Ballroom Salon D (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11677: Performance and Tuning an XRC (zGM) Environment
Speaker: Michael E. Friske
Project: MVS Storage Management
Platinum Ballroom Salon 1 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11479: Predictive Analytics and IT Service Management
Speaker: Ed Woods
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Grand Ballroom Salon E/F (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11899: Top 10 Tips for z/OS Network Performance Monitoring with OMEGAMON
Speaker: Dean Butler
Project: Network Management and Security
Platinum Ballroom Salon 9 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11571: Unified Resource Manager: HMC Ensemble Navigation and Virtual Server Hands-on Lab
Speaker: Hiren Shah
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Orange County - Salon 2/3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11748: Win with Cloud on System z
Speaker: Frank DeGilio, Distinguished, Engineer
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Platinum Ballroom Salon 8 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11966: z/OS UNIX for all
Speaker: Vit Gottwald
Project: zNextGen
Grand Ballroom Salon H (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11697: z/OSMF Software Deployment Application - User Experience
Speakers: Mary Anne Matyaz and Greg Daynes
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Platinum Ballroom Salon 5 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
3:00 PM-4:00 PM
11812: Backing Up and Restoring a z/VM Cluster and Linux on System z Guests
Speaker: Tracy Dean
Project: VM
Grand Ballroom Salon C (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11558: Behavioral Analysis & Predictive Analytics meet SLA’s , Prevent Problems, and Reduce Costs
Speaker: Jacob P. Ukelson
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Grand Ballroom Salon E/F (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11440: CICS Common Performance Problems and Debugging
Speaker: Edward Addison
Project: CICS
Platinum Ballroom Salon 2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11993: Cloud and BPM (Business Process Management): Opportunity or Insanity?
Speaker: Diana Donnellan
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Platinum Ballroom Salon 8 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12009: DFSMS Basics: Storage Reporting Using the Report Generator
Speaker: Vickie Dault
Project: MVS Storage Management
Grand Ballroom Salon H (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12105: Data Consistency for Improved DR Capabilities
Speaker: Jay Nakagawa
Project: Vendor Sponsored Presentations
Elite 3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11705: End-to-End IBM Service Support Web Portals
Speaker: Mark Fyffe
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Grand Ballroom Salon G (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12094: IBM Problem Determination Tools: New Versions Promise Productivity Increases
Speaker: Vikram Manchala
Project: Language Environment, COBOL, PL/I, C/C++ and REXX
Grand Ballroom Salon B (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11158: IPv6 Implementation
Speaker: Junnie R. Sadler
Project: Communications Technologies
Grand Ballroom Salon A (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11249: LKED and the Binder: Exploring Object Modules, Linking, Load Modules, and Program Objects
Speaker: Barry L. Lichtenstein
Project: Assembler Language
Platinum Ballroom Salon 10 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11813: Mainframe Optimization: Making System z the Center of Enterprise Computing
Speaker: Mark Neft
Project: Virtualization
Grand Ballroom Salon D (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11219: Simplifying IMS Dynamic Resource Definition: A Basic Approach with Best Practices
Speaker: Angie Greenhaw
Project: IMS
Platinum Ballroom Salon 7 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11341: Towards the OSA and beyond - Using Wireshark for z/OS Packet Trace Analysis
Speaker: Matthias Burkhard
Project: Communications Server
Platinum Ballroom Salon 9 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11516: Under the Hood of Message Broker on z/OS - WLM, SMF and More [z/OS]
Speaker: David Coles
Project: WebSphere MQ
Platinum Ballroom Salon 3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11570: Unified Resource Manager: HMC Ensemble Workload Resource Group Provisioning and Monitoring Hands-on Lab
Speaker: Hiren Shah
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Orange County - Salon 2/3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11444: Using z/VM DirMaint in an SSI Cluster
Speaker: Bruce Hayden
Project: VM
Platinum Ballroom Salon 4 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11683: Vanguard Enforcer- Continuous Monitoring
Speaker: Robert Moncini
Project: Security and Compliance
Elite 1 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11848: What zSecure Manager for RACF z/VM 1.11.1 Can Do For You
Speaker: Mark S. Hahn
Project: Security and Compliance
Grand Ballroom Salon J (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11837: z/OSMF User Experience (with Hints and Tips)
Speakers: Doug Henry and Anuja Deedwaniya
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Platinum Ballroom Salon 5 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11788: zFS Diagnosis I (Performance Monitoring and Tuning Guidelines)
Speaker: Scott Marcotte
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Platinum Ballroom Salon 1 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12075: zSeries FICON and FCP Fabrics - Intermixing Best Practices
Speakers: Mike Blair and Howard Johnson
Project: Storage
Elite 2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
4:30 PM-5:30 PM
11255: 45 Years of Mainframe Virtualization: CP/67 and VM/370 to z/VM
Speaker: Jim Elliott
Project: VM
Grand Ballroom Salon E/F (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11559: An Experienced ISPF User Shares His Secrets
Speaker: Bruce Koss
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Grand Ballroom Salon G (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11600: CPU MF - 2012 Update and WSC Experiences
Speaker: John Burg
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Grand Ballroom Salon J (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11785: Cloud with zEnterprise: Aligned with your IT
Speaker: Glenn Anderson
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Platinum Ballroom Salon 5 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11390: Crypto Services for the VMware Cloud
Speaker: Rex D. Johnson
Project: Virtualization
Grand Ballroom Salon C (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11866: Diagnosing Problems for MQ [z/OS]
Speaker: Neil Johnston
Project: WebSphere MQ
Platinum Ballroom Salon 3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11945: Diversity - Everyone Smiles in the Same Language! ™
Speaker: Randall Munson
Project: Professional Development
Platinum Ballroom Salon 10 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12106: Global Leadership Through Technology
Speaker: Corry Hong
Project: Vendor Sponsored Presentations
Elite 3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11165: I'm Running IPv6: How do I access?
Speaker: Laura Knapp
Project: Communications Technologies
Grand Ballroom Salon A (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12024: IBM Mainframe Tape Update
Speaker: Ralph Beeston
Project: MVS Storage Management
Grand Ballroom Salon H (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11223: IMS Modernization - Advantages of Keeping Current with IMS Versions
Speaker: Diane Goff
Project: IMS
Platinum Ballroom Salon 7 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11894: Leveraging z/OS Communications Server Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS) for a Lower Cost and More Rapid TLS Deployment
Speaker: Lin Overby
Project: Network Management and Security
Platinum Ballroom Salon 9 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12131: MVS Program Meeting #2
Speaker: Sam Knutson
Newport Beach/Rancho LP (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11441: Managing CICS Resources in a Unix File System: Best Practices
Speaker: Geoff Pirie
Project: CICS
Platinum Ballroom Salon 2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11593: Panel Discussion-The Benefits of Going Tapeless
Speaker: Arthur Tolsma
Project: Storage
Elite 2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11910: Realizing Cloud and SOA Enterprise Platforms, Solution Architectures and Roadmaps Using the Open Group's Reference Architecture and Reference Model
Speaker: Nikhil Kumar
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Platinum Ballroom Salon 8 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11836: Save z/OS Software License Costs and Better Leverage Your IT Staff With IBM Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS (TADz)
Speaker: Alfonso Parra
Project: Data Center Management
Elite 1 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11342: Taming the (Wire)Shark - Looking at Network Traces (Including SYSTCPDA) in a New Fashion Hands-on Lab
Speaker: Matthias Burkhard
Project: Communications Server
Orange County - Salon 2/3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11790: zFS Diagnosis II (Problem Determination and File System Monitoring)
Speaker: Scott Marcotte
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Platinum Ballroom Salon 1 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
4:30 PM-5:45 PM
11534: Language Environment Futures Workshop and AMODE 64 Discussion
Speakers: John Monti , Visda Vokhshoori , Tom Petrolino and Tom M. Ross
Project: Language Environment, COBOL, PL/I, C/C++ and REXX
Grand Ballroom Salon B (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
6:00 PM-7:00 PM
11177: Assembler "Boot Camp" Hands-on Lab, Part 2 of 2
Speaker: Sharuff Morsa
Project: Assembler Language
Orange County - Salon 2/3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11442: CICS and Java: How the JVM Server transforms Java in CICS
Speaker: Matthew Webster
Project: CICS
Platinum Ballroom Salon 2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11509: For Your Eyes Only - WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security [z/OS & Distributed]
Speaker: Craig Both
Project: WebSphere MQ
Platinum Ballroom Salon 3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
12038: IBM DS8000 Data Migration Scenarios
Speaker: Bob Kern
Project: Storage
Elite 2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11215: IMS and DB2 Coordinated Disaster Recovery
Speaker: Glenn Galler
Project: IMS
Platinum Ballroom Salon 7 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11917: MVS Storage: Free-For-All
Speaker: Russell Witt
Project: MVS Storage Management
Grand Ballroom Salon H (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11252: Security Free-for-all
Speaker: Greg Boyd
Project: Security and Compliance
Platinum Ballroom Salon 8 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11524: The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Infrastructure on System z and zEnterprise
Speaker: Mike Bonett
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Grand Ballroom Salon J (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11736: z/OS Requirements: Influencing IBM Development
Speakers: Cheryl Watson and Steve Warren
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Grand Ballroom Salon G (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11968: z/VM - Happy 40th Birthday Celebration
Speakers: Martha McConaghy and Rick Barlow
Project: VM
Platinum Ballroom Salon 5 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
7:00 PM-8:15 PM
11239: Security & Compliance (SEC) Project Dinner
Speaker: Brian Cummings
Project: Security and Compliance
Meet in the Marriott Lobby (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11960: zNextGen Networking Event
Speakers: Kevin Wick , Linda Mooney , Dustin Ratliff and Vit Gottwald
Project: zNextGen
Meet in the Marriott Lobby (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
7:00 PM-9:00 PM
11540: Dinner - LANG Project Rib Joint Expeditionary Force
Speaker: M. Carl Gehr
Project: Language Environment, COBOL, PL/I, C/C++ and REXX
Meet in the Marriott Lobby (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
7:15 PM-8:30 PM
12028: MVSS Project Dinner
Speaker: Russell Witt
Project: MVS Storage Management
Meet in the Marriott Lobby (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
7:15 PM-8:45 PM
12057: IBM System z Mastery Certification
Speaker: Kathy Pfeiffer
Orange County - Salon 2/3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
7:15 PM-9:30 PM
11468: EWCP Project Dinner
Speaker: Norman Hollander
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Meet in the Marriott Lobby (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
11729: MVS Core Technologies Project Dinner Event
Speaker: Edward Jaffe
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Meet in the Marriott Lobby (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
7:15 PM-10:15 PM
11451: CICS Technical Roundtable w/Hursley: Open Session
Speakers: Danny Mace and Geoff Pirie
Project: CICS
Platinum Ballroom Salon 2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
7:30 PM-10:00 PM
12049: LVM Program Dinner
Speaker: Rick Barlow
Meet in the Marriott Lobby (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)