Wednesday, August 8, 2012: 8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Platinum Ballroom Salon 5 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
Mark Zelden(CSC)
Summer Spaulding(CA Technologies)
Mary Anne Matyaz(Base Technologies Inc.)
CA Mainframe Software Manager (CA MSM) allows products and maintenance to be downloaded, installed, deployed, and configured via a web browser. It is available at no additional charge to CA customers with any licensed z/OS product.
In this session, customers will discuss their experiences with using CA MSM to install and maintain products on z/OS. Then, a representative from CA Technologies’ Mainframe Solution Center will briefly review recent enhancements in CA MSM V4.1 and V5.0 including FIXCAT support, Software Catalog administration improvements, use with other ISV products, and other enhancements.
Tracks: CICS Systems Programming and z/OS Systems Programming