SHARE in Anaheim

11361: z/OS Running on a Laptop: RDz Developer & Test Environment Update and User Experience

Wednesday, August 8, 2012: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Platinum Ballroom Salon 1 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
Speakers: Rosalind Radcliffe(IBM Corporation) and Dana Boudreau(IBM Corporation)
  • RD&T presentation (2.9 MB)
  • Rational Development and Test Environment  (RD&T) ) is based on the IBM z Personal Development Tool (zPDT).  RD&T provides a small-scale, personal test environment for systems programmers, individual developers or teams that can run z/OS® and z/OS middleware from IBM, but on an Intel® or Intel-compatible (x86) machine.  RD&T reduces the cost differentials that exist between distributed and existing mainframe development environments.  This session will explore how RD&T can be deployed within a large scale organization, how it can be used as a development platform, and how it can be maintained and used as a training tool by system programmers.  This session will include some large scale customer use cases.

    Tracks: Application Development, CICS Systems Programming, Data Center and IT Management and z/OS Systems Programming
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