Performance/Capacity Planning

10:00 AM-11:00 AM
17206: DB2 11 for z/OS Technical Overview
Speaker: John Iczkovits
Project: Database
Southern Hemisphere 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
17370: How NOT to Lie with Graphics and Tables - Don't Convey the Wrong Message!
Speaker: Gregory Caliri
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17491: Linux Storage Measurement
Speaker: Barton Robinson
Project: Linux
Americas Seminar (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
1:45 PM-2:45 PM
17861: EWCP Project Opening and IBM ATS Hot Topics
Speakers: Norman Hollander and Kathy Walsh
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
3:15 PM-4:15 PM
17636: RMF: The Latest and Greatest
Speaker: Kathy Walsh
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17749: When Bad Things Happen to Good Transactions - Analyzing Transaction Problems on System z
Speakers: Jim Martin and James Martin
Project: IMS
Southern Hemisphere 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
4:30 PM-5:30 PM
17910: z/OS 2.2 Performance Enhancements
Speaker: Carol Creter
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
4:30 PM-5:45 PM
17284: Sysplex and Network Technologies and Considerations
Speaker: Gus Kassimis
Project: Communications Server
Southern Hemisphere 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
17253: CICS TS V5 Performance Improvements that You Definitely Don’t Know About
Speaker: Ian Burnett
Project: CICS
Southern Hemisphere 2 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17708: Filling In the IT Systems Management White Space Gap
Speaker: Ed Woods
Project: Data Center Management
Asia 2 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17558: System z Batch Network Analyzer (zBNA) Tool – Because Batch is Back!
Speaker: John Burg
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
17750: Accelerate Your IMS Data!
Speakers: Anthony Ciabattoni and Tim Willging
Project: IMS
Southern Hemisphere 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17889: Introduction to the New MQ Appliance
Speaker: Paul Kettley
Project: MQ
Oceanic 7 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17321: Memory Management in the TB Age
Speaker: Scott Chapman
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17676: What You Need to Know About CICS Java Performance
Speaker: Ian Burnett
Project: CICS
Southern Hemisphere 2 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
1:45 PM-2:45 PM
17632: CF Activity Report Review
Speaker: Brad D. Snyder
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
3:15 PM-4:15 PM
17264: CICS Extreme Performance
Speaker: Edward Addison
Project: CICS
Southern Hemisphere 2 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17705: Connect the Dots: a z13 and z/OS Dispatching Update
Speaker: Glenn Anderson
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17320: Lessons Learned from Implementing an IDAA
Speaker: Scott Chapman
Project: Database
Southern Hemisphere 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17527: Managing z/VM & Linux Performance Best Practices
Speaker: Michael Sine
Project: VM
Americas Seminar (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17323: When Milliseconds Matter: Architecting Real-Time Analytics Into Operational Systems
Speaker: Paul DiMarzio
Project: Data Center Management
Southern Hemisphere 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
4:30 PM-5:30 PM
17586: DB2 z/OS and Analytics – Why Move the Data?
Speaker: Randy Ebersole, IBM, DB2, Technical, Specialist
Project: Database
Southern Hemisphere 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17893: The Do’s and Don’ts of IBM Integration Bus Performance [z/OS & Distributed]
Speaker: Geza Geleji
Project: MQ
Oceanic 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
4:30 PM-5:45 PM
17634: z/OS Processor Storage Management
Speaker: Kathy Walsh
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
8:30 AM-9:30 AM
17587: DB2 11 for z/OS Application Functionality
Speaker: Randy Ebersole, IBM, DB2, Technical, Specialist
Project: Database
Southern Hemisphere 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17396: Holistic CICS Performance and Capacity Management
Speaker: Ivan Gelb
Project: CICS
Southern Hemisphere 2 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17895: MQ for z/OS, Using and Abusing New Hardware and the New v8 Features
Speaker: Paul Kettley
Project: MQ
Oceanic 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17637: Workload Management (WLM) Update for z13, z/OS 2.1 and 2.2
Speaker: Brad D. Snyder
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
17285: z/OS Communications Server: Shared Memory Communications over RDMA (SMC-R) Protocol
Speaker: Gus Kassimis
Project: Communications Server
Asia 2 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17563: zPCR Capacity Sizing Lab - Part 1 Introduction and Overview
Speaker: John Burg
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
17291: z/OS Communications Server Performance: Updates and Recommendations
Speaker: Dave Herr
Project: Communications Server
Asia 2 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17313: SMF 113 Processor Cache Counter Measurements - Overview, Update, and Usage
Speaker: Peter Enrico
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17672: Understanding the Linux "Know-It-All" Part 1 of 2
Speaker: Martin Schwidefsky
Project: Linux
Southern Hemisphere 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
1:45 PM-2:45 PM
17899: Getting Started with Performance of MQ on z/OS
Speaker: Mayur Raja
Project: MQ
Oceanic 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17673: Understanding the Linux "Know-It-All" Part 2 of 2
Speaker: Martin Schwidefsky
Project: Linux
Southern Hemisphere 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17312: WLM - Effective Setup and Usage of WLM Report Classes
Speaker: Peter Enrico
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
3:15 PM-4:15 PM
17564: CICS Performance and Tuning 101
Speaker: Ezriel Gross
Project: CICS
Southern Hemisphere 2 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17900: Digging into the MQ SMF Data [z/OS]
Speakers: Lyn Elkins and Mitch Johnson
Project: MQ
Oceanic 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
18034: SMFPRMxx Parameters - Which Can Help; Which Can Hurt
Speakers: Cheryl Watson and Frank Kyne
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Europe 2 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17642: Your Changing z/OS Performance Management World: New Workloads, New Skills
Speaker: Glenn Anderson
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
4:30 PM-5:30 PM
17584: OMEGAMON V5 Enhanced 3270 Hands-on Lab
Speakers: Lih M. Wang , Wayne Bucek and Ed Woods
Project: Data Center Management
Asia 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17514: Understanding z/VM 6.3 through New Performance Toolkit Reports
Speaker: Bill Bitner
Project: VM
Americas Seminar (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17633: Using TDSz and TCR to Analyze your Data
Speaker: Brad D. Snyder
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17779: Writing the Definitive Systems Programmer Resume
Speaker: Joe Gallaher
Project: Professional Development
Europe 1 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
8:30 AM-9:30 AM
17577: Beyond Analytics:  Availability Intelligence from RMF and SMF with Examples from z/OS  Storage and Systems
Speaker: Brent Phillips
Project: Data Center Management
Southern Hemisphere 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17635: IBM Java 8 and z13 - Hardware and Software Co-Design at Its Finest
Speaker: Iris Baron
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17675: Linux on IBM z13: Performance Aspects of New Technology and Features
Speaker: Mario Held
Project: Linux
Americas Seminar (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
17556: 2015 CPU MF Update
Speaker: John Burg
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17573: Availability and Time to Data – How to Improve Your Resiliency and Meet Your SLAs
Speakers: Roselinda Schulman and Rebecca Levesque
Project: Data Center Management
Southern Hemisphere 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
17664: Opening Your Eyes to How Your Tape Environment Is Really Performing
Speaker: John Ticic
Project: MVS Storage Management
Europe 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17775: Performance Tuning of a Mobile Environment with Linux Virtualized on z/VM
Speaker: Wilhelm Mild
Southern Hemisphere 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17311: z Processor Consumption Analysis (including z13), or What is Consuming All the CPU?
Speaker: Peter Enrico
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
12:30 PM-1:30 PM
17810: Systems Programmer, Heal Thy PC - Tuneup Time
Speaker: Victor Freyer
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Europe 1 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
1:45 PM-2:45 PM
17727: Designing Business Recovery Options into the Modern Data Center
Speaker: Steve Aaker
Project: Data Center Management
Europe 1 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17308: Managing Linux Resources with cgroups
Speaker: Richard G. Young
Project: Linux
Americas Seminar (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17748: z13 Performance
Speaker: Tarun Chopra
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
3:15 PM-4:15 PM
17451: Application Migration from IMS DB to DB2: A Practical Approach
Speaker: John Mallonee
Project: Database
Southern Hemisphere 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17644: Configuring and Using SMF Logstreams with zEDC Compression
Speaker: Glenn Anderson
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17822: MQ Parallel Sysplex Exploitation, Getting the Best Availability from MQ on z/OS by Using Shared Queues [z/OS]
Speaker: Paul Kettley
Project: MQ
Asia 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17265: Monitoring CICS TS Version 5 Application Performance
Speaker: Billy Bigelow
Project: CICS
Southern Hemisphere 2 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17551: System z Batch Network Analyzer (zBNA) Tool Hands-on Lab
Speakers: John Burg and Brad D. Snyder
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17787: z/OS Communications Server Security Using Policy Agent
Speaker: Linda Harrison
Project: Network Management and Security
Southern Hemisphere 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
4:30 PM-5:30 PM
17681: Extending z/OS Mainframe Workload Availability with GDPS/Active-Active
Speaker: Ivan Deleuze
Project: Data Center Management
Europe 1 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17557: Isn't it Time to Stop Baby-sitting your DB2?
Speakers: Jennifer Nelson and Tim Willging
Project: Database
Southern Hemisphere 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17920: Performance Analysis of Long Distance CF, PPRC, and I/O: Test Project User Experience
Speaker: Meral Temel
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
17290: From VIRTUALly Constrained to REALly Overcommited: a Study of DB2 Storage
Speaker: Adrian Burke
Project: Database
Southern Hemisphere 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17665: Processor Reporting: RMF and Hardware Instrumentation Services (HIS)
Speaker: John Ticic
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17576: SHARE Live!: More Data, Less Chatter: Improving Performance on z/OS via IBM zHPF
Speaker: Holden E. O'Neal
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Oceanic 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
17322: WLM in One Page
Speaker: Scott Chapman
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )