17635: IBM Java 8 and z13 - Hardware and Software Co-Design at Its Finest

Thursday, August 13, 2015: 8:30 AM-9:30 AM
Asia 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
Speaker: Iris Baron(IBM Corporation)
  • IBM Java 8 and z13 - Hardware and Software Co-Design at Its Finest (5.0 MB)
  • IBM Java 8 and z13 take Java performance to new heights and demonstrate once again a outstanding release-to-release Java performance improvements on z Systems. This session will provide a summary of the new features and enhancements in IBM Java 8 including language enhancements, performance improvements in throughput and rampup, and exploitation of hardware features like Runtime Instrumentation and Cryptography. IBM Java 8 also includes exploitation of new features introduced in z13, such as Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) instructions for vector operations and it benefits from the simultaneous multithreading (SMT) facility. We will revisit the Java on Z roadmap, provide a high-level overview of Java 8 in general and particular on Z, and highlight recent performance improvements to IBM Java 8 on the z13 System for Java application, with emphasis on cloud, analytic, mobile and security (CAMS) workloads.

    Tracks: New z13 and z Systems and Performance/Capacity Planning
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