12651: IMS Explorer for Development
12434: WMQ - Introduction to Dump Reading and SMF Analysis - Hands-on Lab
12602: First Steps With WebSphere Message Broker: Application Integration for the Messy [z/OS & Distributed]
12623: Migration and Maintenance, the Necessary Evil [z/OS & Distributed]
12627: Big Data Sharing with the Cloud - WebSphere eXtreme Scale and WebSphere Message Broker Integration [z/OS & Distributed]
12602: First Steps With WebSphere Message Broker: Application Integration for the Messy [z/OS & Distributed]
12623: Migration and Maintenance, the Necessary Evil [z/OS & Distributed]
12627: Big Data Sharing with the Cloud - WebSphere eXtreme Scale and WebSphere Message Broker Integration [z/OS & Distributed]