SHARE in Seattle

6:00 AM-7:00 AM
16670: SHARE Fitness Session - Friday
Project: SHARE-wide Services
Meet in the Sheraton lobby (Sheraton Seattle)
7:15 AM-8:15 AM
17127: MVS Program Wrap-up - CLOSED SESSION
Speaker: Edward Jaffe
SHARE Suite (3415 - Union Tower) (Sheraton Seattle)
8:30 AM-9:30 AM
16821: Capping, Capping, and Capping. Comparison of Hard and Soft-Capping Capacity Controls
Speaker: Horst Sinram
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Jefferson B (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
16967: EWCP Project Closing - CLOSED SESSION
Speaker: Norman Hollander
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
SHARE Suite (3415 - Union Tower) (Sheraton Seattle)
16718: IMS 14 Application Enhancements
Speakers: Ken Blackman , Nancy Stein and Suzie M. Wendler
Project: IMS
Cedar (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
16656: Lab: z/OSMF Hands-On Labs - Choose Your Own - III
Speakers: Marna Walle , Kenneth Irwin and Xiao Zhen (Joey) Zhu
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Redwood (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
16736: OpenSSH for z/OS: New Features and Functions
Speakers: Kirk Wolf and Steve Goetze
Project: Network Management and Security
Issaquah A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16352: Proxy Coupling Technology
Speaker: Ron Hilton
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Issaquah B (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16581: Reduce Sequential File Processing Overhead in CICS by Better Than 99% !
Speaker: Stephen P. Reid
Project: CICS
Willow A (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
17071: Reduce Your IBM Software Charges
Speakers: Alan Sherkow and Richard S. Ralston
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Aspen (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
16538: The ART and Practice of Mainframe Rehosting for CICS, IMS, and Batch Applications Leveraging Oracle Tuxedo ART
Speaker: Mark Rakhmilevich
Project: Application Development & Integration
Seneca (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
16950: The next 50 years of value: Micro Focus COBOL and the IBM Mainframe
Speaker: Ed Airey
Project: LE and Programming Languages
University (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
17145: USS Ported Tools for z/OS: What’s New
Speaker: Kevin Shaw
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Virginia (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
16481: What Security Product meets your Security Needs in z/VM
Speaker: Brian Jagos
Project: VM
Leschi (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
17103: What's New With the Catalog Search Interface
Speaker: Stephen Branch
Project: MVS Storage Management
Boren (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
16544: Why Shouldn't I Be Able To Open This Queue? MQ and CICS Security Topics
Speaker: Lyn Elkins
Project: CICS
Willow B (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
16454: z/VM CPU Pooling
Speaker: John Franciscovich
Project: VM
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
17078: Capacity Management Analytics on System z
Speaker: Jaime Anaya
Project: Data Center Management
Issaquah B (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16385: Configuring Timeouts for WebSphere Application Server on z/OS
Speakers: David Follis , Michael Stephen and Gary Picher
Project: Application Development & Integration
Virginia (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
17028: Considerations for Network Virtualization
Speakers: Kevin Manweiler and Junnie R. Sadler
Project: Network Management and Security
Issaquah A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16799: Creating RMF Postprocessor XML Reports - Hands-on Lab
Speaker: Peter Muench
Project: Enterprise-wide Capacity & Performance
Redwood (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
17008: DB2 for z/OS Data Sharing: Configurations and Common Issues
Speaker: Mark Rader
Project: Database
Leschi (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16622: Heap Damage, Get Into the Zone!
Speaker: Tom Petrolino
Project: LE and Programming Languages
University (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
16719: IMS 14 Database Enhancements
Speaker: Dennis Eichelberger
Project: IMS
Cedar (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
16835: Linux on System z: Making the Exception Exceptional
Speakers: Lowell Higley and Brian Jagos
Project: Linux
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
17057: Not Just Migrating, but Picking up New Enhancements as You Go - We've Given You the Shotgun, You Know Where Your Feet Are [z/OS & Distributed]
Speakers: Neil Johnston and David Coles
Project: WebSphere MQ
Seneca (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
16753: OSA Migration: New Feature? Open Systems Adapter Support Facility (OSA/SF) on HMC
Speaker: Linda Harrison
Project: Communications Server
Aspen (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
16958: PDSE Advanced Diagnostics and Recovery
Speaker: Thomas C. Reed
Project: MVS Storage Management
Boren (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
16605: REXX/ISPF - Troubleshooting
Speaker: Bruce Koss
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Jefferson B (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
16461: The Cheryl and Frank zRoadshow
Speakers: Cheryl Watson and Frank Kyne
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Metropolitan B (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16996: What You Need to Do to Protect Yourself Against z/OS and z/VM Hacks
Speaker: Peter Spera
Project: Security and Compliance
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16572: You Asked. We Delivered. Workload Management in the CICS Explorer.
Speaker: Eric Higgins
Project: CICS
Willow A (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
17088: z/OS Systems Programmer: Audit Thyself
Speaker: Thomas Conley
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Jefferson A (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
16452: z/VM Paging with SSD and Flash-type Disks
Speaker: Bill Bitner
Project: VM
Willow B (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
16368: CICS Nuts, Bolts, and Gotchas
Speaker: Edward Addison
Project: CICS
Willow A (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
17033: COBOL V5 Migration Strategies
Speaker: Jim Liebert, NA
Project: LE and Programming Languages
Willow B (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
16901: IDAA Ecosystem
Speaker: Tim Willging
Project: Database
Leschi (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16717: IMS 14 Transaction Manager (TM) and System Enhancements
Speakers: Nancy Stein and Suzie M. Wendler
Project: IMS
Cedar (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
16288: Linux & VM Program Wrap Up and Free-for-All
Speaker: Rick Barlow
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16600: Security and Compliance (SEC) Project Closing - CLOSED SESSION
Speaker: Carla Flores
Project: Security and Compliance
Virginia (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
16724: System Automation for z/OS: Beginner's Hands-on Lab
Speaker: Ulrike Muench
Project: Data Center Management
Redwood (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
17137: VSAM New Functions in z/OS 2.1 and 2.2
Speaker: Neal Bohling
Project: MVS Storage Management
Boren (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
16748: z/OS Communication Server Intrusion Detection Services
Speaker: Lin Overby
Project: Communications Server
Aspen (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
11:15 AM-12:30 PM
16458: Bit Bucket x'31'
Speakers: Edward Jaffe , Sam Knutson , Skip Robinson and Thomas Conley
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Metropolitan B (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
17053: MQ & DB2 – MQ Verbs in DB2 & InfoSphere Data Replication (Q Replication) Performance [z/OS]
Speaker: Neil Johnston
Project: WebSphere MQ
Seneca (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
12:30 PM-1:30 PM
16369: CICS Project Closing
Speakers: Glenn Schneck , Ian Mitchell, IBM and Andy Bates
Project: CICS
Willow A (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
16593: Enterprise Data Center (EDC) Program Closing
Speaker: Karla Houser
Aspen (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)