SHARE in Seattle

Linux & VM

8:00 AM-12:00 PM
16344: LVM Technical Steering Committee - CLOSED SESSION
Virginia (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
3:15 PM-4:00 PM
16286: LVM Program Planning - CLOSED SESSION - Staff Only
Speaker: Rick Barlow
Virginia (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
5:00 PM-6:00 PM
16345: Meeting of Linux & VM Program Session Chair Bears and Penguins - SESSION CHAIRS and Ribon Wearers Only - CLOSED SESSION
Speakers: Dan Martin and Brian Jagos
Virginia (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
16408: Introduction to Virtualization
Speaker: Romney White
Project: Virtualization
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16289: Linux and VM Program Opening
Speaker: Rick Barlow
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16434: Linux for Beginners Hands-on Lab, Part 1 of 3
Speaker: Neale Ferguson
Project: Linux
Redwood (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
16433: Linux Storage Measurement
Speaker: Barton Robinson
Project: Linux
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16435: Linux for Beginners Hands-on Lab, Part 2 of 3
Speaker: Neale Ferguson
Project: Linux
Redwood (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
16487: z/VM Platform Update
Speaker: Bill Bitner
Project: VM
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
12:30 PM-1:30 PM
16436: Linux for Beginners Hands-on Lab, Part 3 of 3
Speaker: Neale Ferguson
Project: Linux
Redwood (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
1:45 PM-2:45 PM
16414: A Hitchhiker's Guide Through Linux on System z Performance Issues
Speaker: Eberhard Pasch
Project: Linux
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16423: Hadoop and Data Integration with System z
Speakers: Cameron Seay, Doctorate, Educational-Psychology, Master's, Business, Information-Systems, Econimics and Mike Combs
Project: Linux
Virginia (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
16453: z/VM and the IBM z13
Speaker: John Franciscovich
Project: VM
Willow B (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
3:15 PM-4:15 PM
16467: Automation Scenarios for a z/VM Cluster and Linux on System z Guests
Speaker: Tracy Dean
Project: VM
Virginia (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
16916: The Mainframe: The Latest Disruptive Technology in Cloud
Speaker: Frank DeGilio, Distinguished, Engineer
Project: Virtualization
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16451: systemd, the Wave of the Future
Speaker: Mark Post
Project: Linux
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16492: z/VM for Beginners Hands-on Lab
Speaker: Richard Lewis
Project: VM
Redwood (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
4:30 PM-5:30 PM
16575: Architectural Implementation Analysis - A Comparative Methodology
Speaker: Montgomery Bauman
Project: Virtualization
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16468: Backing Up and Restoring z/VM and Linux Guests
Speaker: Tracy Dean
Project: VM
Virginia (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
16418: Current & Future Features of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for System z
Speaker: Marcus Kraft
Project: Linux
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
16970: How Fast is Fast: How to Get the Most Out of Your EC12
Speaker: Barton Robinson
Project: VM
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16474: Introduction to REXX Workshop (Part 1 of 2) (BYOC)
Speaker: John Franciscovich
Project: VM
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16431: KVM for System z
Speaker: Mark Post
Project: Linux
Virginia (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
16888: Ideas for Automating a z/VM System Using CA VM:Operator
Speaker: Brian Jagos
Project: VM
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16475: Introduction to REXX Workshop (Part 2 of 2) (BYOC)
Speaker: John Franciscovich
Project: VM
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16443: Red Hat on System z Performance Comparison and Linux Containers
Speaker: Filipe Torchia Miranda
Project: Linux
Virginia (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
1:45 PM-2:45 PM
16761: IBM Java: JVM Tuning
Speaker: Joran Siu
Project: Linux
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16427: Introduction to KVM for z/VM Lovers
Speaker: Martin Schwidefsky
Project: Linux
Leschi (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16482: What's New in the z/VM 6.3 Hypervisor
Speaker: John Franciscovich
Project: VM
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
3:15 PM-4:15 PM
16466: Advanced z/VM Systems Management with IBM Wave for z/VM
Speaker: Eduardo C. Oliveira, IBM, Wave, for, z/VM, Tiger, Team, Lead
Project: VM
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
17163: Mobile Roundtable
Speaker: Erich Amrehn
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
4:30 PM-5:30 PM
16407: Experiences With IBM Wave Customer Panel
Speakers: Romney White , Eduardo C. Oliveira, IBM, Wave, for, z/VM, Tiger, Team, Lead and Stephen McGarril
Project: Virtualization
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16975: High Availability and Clustering File Systems on Linux on z
Speaker: Neale Ferguson
Project: Linux
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
8:30 AM-9:30 AM
16762: Enterprise JavaScript with the IBM SDK for Node.js
Speaker: Joran Siu
Project: Linux
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16450: What's New in Linux on System z?
Speaker: Martin Schwidefsky
Project: Linux
Aspen (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
16582: z/VM Security Essentials
Speaker: Alan Altmark
Project: VM
Willow B (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
16338: Big Data, Hadoop and NoSQL 101 for System Programmers
Speaker: Peter Linnell, Apache, Bigtop, Founder, and, PMC
Project: Linux
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16455: z/VM Virtual Switch Basics
Speaker: Alan Altmark
Project: VM
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
16447: Understanding the Linux "Know-It-All" Part 1 of 2
Speaker: Martin Schwidefsky
Project: Linux
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16490: z/VM Upgrade In Place Installation
Speaker: Richard Lewis
Project: VM
Virginia (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
16456: z/VM Virtual Switch Configuration
Speaker: Alan Altmark
Project: VM
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
12:30 PM-1:30 PM
16763: JavaScript with the IBM SDK for Node.js Hands-on Lab
Speaker: Joran Siu
Project: Linux
Redwood (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
1:45 PM-2:45 PM
16471: Finding Your Way - the z/VM Website, Documentation, and Other Hints for the New User
Speaker: Bill Bitner
Project: VM
Virginia (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
16446: Understanding the Benefits of SCSI in Linux on System z Environments
Speaker: Justin F. Bastin
Project: Linux
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16448: Understanding the Linux "Know-It-All" Part 2 of 2
Speaker: Martin Schwidefsky
Project: Linux
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16484: z/VM Installation or Migration or Upgrade Hands-on Lab, Part 1 of 3
Speaker: Richard Lewis
Project: VM
Redwood (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
3:15 PM-4:15 PM
16325: Economics of Linux on System z
Speaker: Steven P. Dickens
Project: Linux
Leschi (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16473: Introduction to RACF on z/VM
Speaker: Bruce Hayden
Project: VM
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16410: OpenStack: The Foundation for Cloud
Speaker: Peter Linnell, Apache, Bigtop, Founder, and, PMC
Project: Virtualization
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16485: z/VM Installation or Migration or Upgrade Hands-on Lab, Part 2 of 3
Speaker: Richard Lewis
Project: VM
Redwood (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
4:30 PM-5:30 PM
16472: Managing a z/VM and Linux on z Systems Environment Using IBM Solutions - Hands-on Lab
Speakers: Tracy Dean , Michael Sine and Eduardo C. Oliveira, IBM, Wave, for, z/VM, Tiger, Team, Lead
Project: VM
Redwood (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
16409: OpenStack Deep Dive
Speaker: Peter Linnell, Apache, Bigtop, Founder, and, PMC
Project: Virtualization
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16480: Understanding z/VM 6.3 through New Performance Toolkit Reports
Speaker: Bill Bitner
Project: VM
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16486: z/VM Installation or Migration or Upgrade Hands-on Lab, Part 3 of 3
Speaker: Richard Lewis
Project: VM
Redwood (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
7:00 PM-7:15 PM
17151: Linux & VM Program Dinner
Meet in the Sheraton lobby (Sheraton Seattle)
8:30 AM-9:30 AM
16774: Linux on z Systems Performance Experiences with z13
Speaker: Eberhard Pasch
Project: Linux
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16469: z/VM Dirmaint Demystified
Speakers: Rich Smrcina and Bruce Hayden
Project: VM
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16489: z/VM Systems Management Fundamentals
Speaker: Bill Bitner
Project: VM
Leschi (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
16432: Linux Bootloaders on System Z - Current and Future Implementations
Speaker: Marcus Kraft
Project: Linux
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16770: Linux on z Systems Distribution Validation for z13
Speaker: Eberhard Pasch
Project: Linux
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16478: RACF Advanced Configuration and Auditing on z/VM
Speaker: Bruce Hayden
Project: VM
Leschi (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
16421: Experiences with Linux and System z - Customer Panel
Speaker: Neale Ferguson
Project: Linux
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16428: Introduction to Managing Mobile Devices Using Linux for System Z
Speaker: Romney White
Project: Linux
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16479: Security Zones on z/VM
Speaker: Alan Altmark
Project: VM
Leschi (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
1:45 PM-2:45 PM
16971: Experiences with GDPS Hyperswap, PPRC, xDR, and XRC with VM and Linux
Speaker: Marcy D. Cortes
Project: Virtualization
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16574: Migrating live Linux and z/VM systems to new DASD
Speaker: Michael D. MacIsaac
Project: Virtualization
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
3:15 PM-4:15 PM
16476: Managing z/VM & Linux Performance Best Practices
Speaker: Michael Sine
Project: VM
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16488: z/VM Single System Image and Live Guest Relocation Planning and Use
Speaker: John Franciscovich
Project: VM
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
4:30 PM-5:30 PM
16470: Everything You Need to Know About Cloning z/VM 6.2 and 6.3 Systems
Speaker: Bruce Hayden
Project: VM
Greenwood (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16387: Lab Experiences Running GPFS on Linux on System Z
Speaker: Robert (Jay) J. Brenneman
Project: Linux
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16772: Mobile on System z Hands-on Lab
Speakers: Erich Amrehn and Wilhelm Mild
Project: Linux
Redwood (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
5:45 PM-6:45 PM
16465: z/VM Product Dialogue & Feedback
Speakers: Steffen Thoss and Daniel Griffith
Project: VM
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
6:00 PM-7:00 PM
16773: Mobile on System z - Advanced Hands-on Lab
Speakers: Erich Amrehn and Wilhelm Mild
Project: Linux
Redwood (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
8:30 AM-9:30 AM
16481: What Security Product meets your Security Needs in z/VM
Speaker: Brian Jagos
Project: VM
Leschi (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16454: z/VM CPU Pooling
Speaker: John Franciscovich
Project: VM
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
16835: Linux on System z: Making the Exception Exceptional
Speakers: Lowell Higley and Brian Jagos
Project: Linux
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
16452: z/VM Paging with SSD and Flash-type Disks
Speaker: Bill Bitner
Project: VM
Willow B (Level 2) (Sheraton Seattle)
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
16288: Linux & VM Program Wrap Up and Free-for-All
Speaker: Rick Barlow
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)