Mobile and Social Networking in the Enterprise

4:30 PM-5:30 PM
17391: Integrating Innovative Technologies (I2T) Project Opening
Speaker: Diana Donnellan
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Europe 11 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
3:15 PM-4:15 PM
17782: Connecting Mobile Workloads With Back-End Systems
Speaker: Michael Casile
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Southern Hemisphere 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17749: When Bad Things Happen to Good Transactions - Analyzing Transaction Problems on System z
Speakers: Jim Martin and James Martin
Project: IMS
Southern Hemisphere 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
17393: Demo: Automating Application Deployment using IBM UrbanCode
Speaker: Reginaldo Barosa
Project: Application Development & Integration
Oceanic 7 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17394: GTO - IBM's Global Technology Outlook
Speaker: Donna Dillenberger
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Southern Hemisphere 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
17390: Leading Edge Technology from IBM’s z Systems Research
Speaker: Donna Dillenberger
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Southern Hemisphere 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
12:30 PM-1:30 PM
17867: IMS in the Connected World - Why You Should Pay Attention!
Speaker: Dusty Rivers
Project: IMS
Europe 11 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
1:45 PM-2:45 PM
17246: 1 Billion Smartphones a Year and Counting – How is Your CICS Connected?
Speaker: Chris Poole
Project: CICS
Southern Hemisphere 2 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
3:15 PM-4:15 PM
17368: z/OS Connect: Opening up z/OS Assets to the Cloud and Mobile Worlds
Speakers: David Follis and Gary Picher
Project: Application Development & Integration
Oceanic 7 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
4:30 PM-5:30 PM
17802: IBM z Systems in a Mobile World Panel Discussion
Speakers: Don Bagwell , Leigh Compton , Theresa Tai, Senior, Certified, IT, Specialist and Wilhelm Mild
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Americas Seminar (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17671: Mobile Security and Integration with the Mainframe Roundtable
Speakers: Erich Amrehn and Wilhelm Mild
Americas Seminar (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
17547: Experiences with Mobile from Mainframe to Multiple Devices
Speaker: John Mallonee
Project: Application Development & Integration
Oceanic 7 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
17542: Bluemix Is Your Friend!
Speakers: Frank DeGilio, Distinguished, Engineer and Rosalind Radcliffe
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Europe 1 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
1:45 PM-2:45 PM
17667: SHARE Live!: The Billion Dollar Product - Online Privacy
Speaker: Rui Miguel Feio
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Oceanic 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
4:30 PM-5:30 PM
17770: Tips for Using IMS Flood Control for Your Mobile or DataPower Applications
Speaker: Jack Yuan
Project: IMS
Southern Hemisphere 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
6:00 PM-7:00 PM
18029: A SHARE'd Discussion: Mobilizing the Mainframe
Speakers: Paul Houde , Kenishia Callaway and Brett Webb
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Europe 1 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
17267: Installing and Configuring IBM MobileFirst Platform on Linux for z Systems
Speaker: Matthew T. Cousens
Project: Linux
Southern Hemisphere 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17482: SHARE Live!: Digital Transformation Is Coming: Are You (and Your Company) Ready?
Speaker: Bryan Smith
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Oceanic 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
17775: Performance Tuning of a Mobile Environment with Linux Virtualized on z/VM
Speaker: Wilhelm Mild
Southern Hemisphere 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
12:30 PM-1:30 PM
17810: Systems Programmer, Heal Thy PC - Tuneup Time
Speaker: Victor Freyer
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Europe 1 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
1:45 PM-2:45 PM
17317: Mainframe and Mobile Perfect Together
Speaker: Venkat Balabhadrapatruni
Project: Application Development & Integration
Oceanic 7 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
6:00 PM-7:00 PM
17392: Integrating Innovative Technologies (I2T) Project Wrap-up and Planning
Speaker: Diana Donnellan
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Asia 2 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
8:30 AM-9:30 AM
17467: Mobile on z Systems Hands-on Lab
Speakers: Erich Amrehn and Wilhelm Mild
Project: Linux
Asia 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17794: The Sysprog's Guide to the Customer Facing Mainframe: Cloud/Mobile/Social/Big Data
Speaker: Glenn Anderson
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Asia 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
17268: Driving Virtual Mobile Devices Through the zEnterprise
Speaker: Matthew T. Cousens
Project: Virtualization
Oceanic 6 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )