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12121: User Experience: Moving a Large z/OS Parallel Sysplex to a New Data Center with Limited Downtime

Tuesday, August 7, 2012: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Grand Ballroom Salon E/F (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
Speaker: Carles Aris Redo(La Caixa)
  • Session 12121 (3.9 MB)
  • Learn how a large customer moved a 35,000 MIPS 10 ways parallel Sysplex to new Data Center with less than 4 minutes of service disruption!
    IBM technologies including GDPS, Hyperswap, FICON Directors Fabric architecture with the z/OS operating system allowed this.
    The customer will discuss the planning and execution of this event and challenges including the design, I/O performance, and much more.

    This session is a real world experience of applying the latest System z Technology to solve a logistical challenge for relocation while maintaining availability.

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