SHARE in Anaheim

12096: From Managing Storage to Meeting SLAs - What You Can’t See Can Really Cost You

Monday, August 6, 2012: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM
Elite 3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
Speaker: Rebecca Levesque(21st Century Software)

The business risk associated with non-recoverable recoveries is almost incalculable. Standard local backup recoveries fail at a rate of 20+% with remote recoveries two-to-three times that.  A real-time crisis is not the time to discover your application and operational backups are inadequate to meet your business SLAs.  Managing critical interrelated datasets, recovery test simulation, monitoring DASD usage, and migrating tape data for the zOS environment is what 21st Century Software does best.  Find out why Fortune 500 firms trust 21st Century Software when it counts the most.

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