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11964: Killing Zombies, Breaking Pipes, and other UNIX Shenanigans

Friday, August 10, 2012: 8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Grand Ballroom Salon G (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
Speaker: Brandon Tweed(CA Technologies)
  • KZAnaheim2012 (945.0 kB)
  • For those that have familiarized themselves with the basics of UNIX on Z, it's time to make friends with the Bourne Again Shell, dig a little deeper into the dark arts, and take advantage of the power of UNIX. During this session, you'll learn how to set up a telnet session with a more of a "real UNIX" feel.  You'll also learn about process management, pipes, I/O redirection, regular expressions, and useful UNIX commands. After leaving this presentation you should know how to kill a zombie process to avoid wasted system resources, relegate an active process to background processing to make more effective use of your interactive UNIX session, invoke a command from your shell history, use grep to search contents of a file, and perform other tasks familiar to an intermediate-level UNIX user.

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