SHARE in Anaheim

11737: z/OSMF Roundtable

Thursday, August 9, 2012: 12:15 PM-1:15 PM
Platinum Ballroom Salon 5 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
Speakers: Anuja Deedwaniya(IBM Corporation) and Nina Goradia(IBM Corporation)

This Roundtable session for IBM z/OS Management Facility will further build upon the earlier SHARE sessions on z/OSMF Overview and z/OSMF configuration and setup. Feedback on the current focus areas for system programmers is highly valued and encouraged.

This interactive forum will allow for an open discussion on additional focus areas to help make the system programmer's life easier and more productive. Attendees should bring their questions regarding z/OSMF to this interactive discussion.

Tracks: z/OS Systems Programming
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