SHARE in Anaheim

11458: Modernizing CICS -- Hands-on Lab, Part 1 of 2

Friday, August 10, 2012: 8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Orange County - Salon 2/3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
Speaker: Geoff Pirie(Hursley Labs)

Have you heard that CICS is no longer just for green screens and COBOL
applications?  Versions 3 and 4 of CICS Transaction Server introduced many
capabilities which provide the basis for contemporary applications in CICS
-- whether its taking advantage of open integration technologies such as
Web services and ATOM or programming in some of the newer languages as
Java, PHP, and Groovy.  And of course, CICS's own administration interface
has been modernized through the introduction of the CICS Explorer.   In
this lab session,  you will be able to select one or more exercises from a
large set of self-directed scripts.  These include Event Processing, CICS Dynamic
Scripting, Web services, Java application development, CICS System
Management, the CICS Explorer, CICS Tools, and others. Come to this
session to gain hands-on experience with some of the latest CICS features
discussed here at the SHARE Conference. Two contiguous time slots are
available for CICS lab exercises. Attending both the part 1 and part 2
sessions will allow you to complete multiple lab exercises for hands-on
experience with multiple CICS features/facilities

Tracks: Application Development, CICS Systems Programming and Software Architecture
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See more of Program: Application Architecture Development