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SHARE in Anaheim

8541: Assembler University 302: zNextGen User Experience: I'm Losing My Mind Trying to Figure Out Cross-Memory Routines!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Room 205A (Anaheim Convention Center)
Speaker: Kristine Harper (NEON Enterprise Software)
  • SHARE_CrossMemoryRoutineSession_Anaheim2011.pdf (219.8 kB)
  • There comes a time in every Assembler developer’s life when cross memory services must be learned, and learned well. What do you do when your task needs to access data and run a program in another address space? Well, you must delve into the world of cross memory services (XMS). Cross memory services is the technique that MVS and z/OS applications use to call programs in other address spaces, and the focus for today will be on Synchronous Cross Memory Services.

    In this session, I will explain why Synchronous XMS is needed, present an overview of what you should learn and how you should learn about XMS, discuss the different XMS techniques, and provide some Assembler coding examples to help get you started.  Come to this session with an open mind to learn about cross memory services!

    Tracks: Application Technologies and Architectures, Applications Programming, CICS Systems Programming, Capitalizing on zEnterprise, Software Architecture, z/OS Systems Programming, z/VM Systems Programming and zNextGen
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