J. Giovanetto Incorporated
J. Giovanetto Incorporated
Biographical Sketch: Jamie Giovanetto is the President and Principal Consultant for his Consulting and Services company, J. Giovanetto Incorporated. Through his company, Jamie has filled such roles as being the Product Manager for a product developed at a university and sold by a major IT vendor. An IT veteran, Jamie's IT career started as a programmer/analyst in 1968 and includes major support roles in both hardware and software support roles, as well as management roles for a major IT vendor. Named a Master Naval Training Specialist during his time as a senior non-commisioned office in the Navy, Jamie holds a degree in Work Force Development from Southern Illinois University.
8250: Is ANYONE Out There? Speaking to a Remote Audience 8251: Speak and Present Like a TOASTMASTER
8545: Managing the Gap: Relevant Leadership for a Tough Economy
8886: Your Webinar SUCKS!
8888: How to Deliver a GREAT Technical Presentation!
8890: Follow the Leader? Principled Followship is Required
8891: 5 Deadliest Words in Customer Service
8894: Charting Your Own Course: A Roadmap for Success
8895: Genetically Programmed to Annoy Me? The Technology of Social Interaction
8902: Do as I Do, Not as I Say! Principled Leadership by Example
8903: Resume Writing 101 ... A Real World Guide for the Mainframe Systems Programmer
8909: SHARE Session Chair Training
8912: SHARE Speaker Orientation
8927: Overcoming Your FEAR of Speaking!
8984: "I Never Saw It Coming!" Eliminating Layoff Surprises