Cloud as a Disruptive Technology

4:30 PM-5:30 PM
17391: Integrating Innovative Technologies (I2T) Project Opening
Speaker: Diana Donnellan
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Europe 11 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
17798: IBM Cloud Offerings for IBM z Systems - Understanding the Strategic Direction
Speaker: Kershaw Mehta
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Southern Hemisphere 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
1:45 PM-2:45 PM
17704: Shadow IT Security Gaps and 7 Ways to Resolve Them
Speaker: Ben Cody
Project: Security and Compliance
Southern Hemisphere 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
3:15 PM-4:15 PM
17716: Running Docker applications on Linux on the Mainframe
Speaker: Robert (Jay) J. Brenneman
Project: Linux
Southern Hemisphere 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17479: SHARE Live!: The Mainframe: The Latest Disruptive Technology in Cloud
Speaker: Frank DeGilio, Distinguished, Engineer
Project: Virtualization
Oceanic 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
17211: Connecting DB2 Applications, including Mobile and Cloud, with Data on z Systems
Speaker: John Iczkovits
Project: Database
Oceanic 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17394: GTO - IBM's Global Technology Outlook
Speaker: Donna Dillenberger
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Southern Hemisphere 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
17889: Introduction to the New MQ Appliance
Speaker: Paul Kettley
Project: MQ
Oceanic 7 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17390: Leading Edge Technology from IBM’s z Systems Research
Speaker: Donna Dillenberger
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Southern Hemisphere 5 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
3:15 PM-4:15 PM
17508: Advanced z/VM Systems Management with IBM Wave for z/VM
Speaker: Eduardo C. Oliveira, IBM, Wave, for, z/VM, Tiger, Team, Lead
Project: VM
Southern Hemisphere 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17489: KVM for z Systems
Speaker: Mark Post
Project: Linux
Europe 11 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17368: z/OS Connect: Opening up z/OS Assets to the Cloud and Mobile Worlds
Speakers: David Follis and Gary Picher
Project: Application Development & Integration
Oceanic 7 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
4:30 PM-5:30 PM
17545: Developing in the Cloud Environment
Speakers: Rosalind Radcliffe and Frank DeGilio, Distinguished, Engineer
Project: Application Development & Integration
Oceanic 7 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17307: IBM Wave for z/VM Setup, Use Cases, and Field Experiences
Speaker: Richard G. Young
Project: Virtualization
Southern Hemisphere 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17802: IBM z Systems in a Mobile World Panel Discussion
Speakers: Don Bagwell , Leigh Compton , Theresa Tai, Senior, Certified, IT, Specialist and Wilhelm Mild
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Americas Seminar (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17820: SHARE Live!: What's the Cloud Going to Do to My MQ Network?
Speakers: Mayur Raja and Chris Leonard
Project: MQ
Oceanic 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
8:30 AM-9:30 AM
17309: Getting started with IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack on z Systems
Speaker: Richard G. Young
Project: Virtualization
Americas Seminar (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17711: Leveraging Cloud Storage for Mainframe Tape
Speaker: Arthur Tolsma
Project: SAN/Disk/Tape
Bay (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17540: SHARE Live!: Getting Your Head in the Cloud: High-level Cloud Perspective
Speaker: Frank DeGilio, Distinguished, Engineer
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Oceanic 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
17677: CICS Cloud + CICS DevOps = Agility2
Speaker: Chris Poole
Project: CICS
Southern Hemisphere 2 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17541: SHARE Live!: Anatomy of a Cloud Application
Speaker: Jeff Bisti
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Oceanic 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
17542: Bluemix Is Your Friend!
Speakers: Frank DeGilio, Distinguished, Engineer and Rosalind Radcliffe
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Europe 1 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
1:45 PM-2:45 PM
17546: Creating Services in z/OS for the Cloud
Speakers: Rosalind Radcliffe and Frank DeGilio, Distinguished, Engineer
Project: Application Development & Integration
Oceanic 7 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17667: SHARE Live!: The Billion Dollar Product - Online Privacy
Speaker: Rui Miguel Feio
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Oceanic 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
3:15 PM-4:15 PM
17543: IBM z Systems in the Cloud: Surprise! You're a Service Provider!
Speakers: Jeff Bisti and Frank DeGilio, Distinguished, Engineer
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Asia 2 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
17492: OpenStack: The Foundation for Cloud
Speaker: Alejandro Bonilla
Project: Virtualization
Southern Hemisphere 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
4:30 PM-5:30 PM
17273: Audit my OpenStack Cloud!
Speakers: Prabhakar Attaluri and Vinod Chavan, Cloud, Executive
Project: Virtualization
Southern Hemisphere 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
8:30 AM-9:30 AM
17544: SHARE Live! Cloud and Your New Bag of Tricks
Speaker: Jeff Bisti
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Oceanic 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
17482: SHARE Live!: Digital Transformation Is Coming: Are You (and Your Company) Ready?
Speaker: Bryan Smith
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Oceanic 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
17486: Experiences with Linux and z Systems - Customer Panel
Speaker: Neale Ferguson
Project: Linux
Americas Seminar (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
1:45 PM-2:45 PM
17485: SHARE Live!: Economics of Linux on z Systems
Speaker: Bryan Foley
Project: Linux
Oceanic 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
3:15 PM-4:15 PM
17403: Practical Use Cases for Platform Architecture Selection Using Fit for Purpose
Speaker: Manuel Jaen
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Europe 1 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
6:00 PM-7:00 PM
17392: Integrating Innovative Technologies (I2T) Project Wrap-up and Planning
Speaker: Diana Donnellan
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Asia 2 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
8:30 AM-9:30 AM
17794: The Sysprog's Guide to the Customer Facing Mainframe: Cloud/Mobile/Social/Big Data
Speaker: Glenn Anderson
Project: MVS Core Technologies
Asia 4 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
17360: Oracle Cloud Provisioning with IBM Wave and Oracle 12c Cloud Control on IBM z Systems
Speakers: Sam Amsavelu and Gaylan Braselton
Project: Linux
Southern Hemisphere 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
17799: Understand IBM Cloud Manager V4.2 for IBM z Systems
Speakers: Kershaw Mehta and Stephen McGarril
Project: Integrating Innovative Technologies
Europe 1 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )