17653: A Consultant's View on Recent Software Pricing Options

Wednesday, August 12, 2015: 11:15 AM-12:15 PM
Southern Hemisphere 1 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
Speakers: Frank Kyne(Watson & Walker, Inc.) and Cheryl Watson(Watson & Walker, Inc.)
  • 17653 - Recent SW Pricing Options (1017.0 kB)
  • The most commonly quoted reason for migrating off the mainframe is the cost of software.  However, if you are willing to spend the time to understand IBM’s latest pricing offerings, there are significant savings to be made.  IBM Collocated Application Pricing and Country Multiplex Pricing are just two of the recent offerings that can reduce your software bills.  Additionally, Country Multiplex Pricing could spell the end to sysplexes that were built purely for cost saving purposes.  And don’t forget MWP and the Technology Upgrade options.  And who knows what else IBM has up its sleeve?  Come to this session and hear how two consultants, Cheryl Watson & Frank Kyne, suggest ways save money AND improve your availability.

    Tracks: IT Services Delivery, Software Architecture and z/OS Systems Programming
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