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16211: Real Life Cybercrime from the Trenches: Ask the Experts

Tuesday, August 5, 2014: 11:15 AM-12:30 PM
Room 306 (David L. Lawrence Convention Center)
Speakers: Rob Andrews(Mainstream Security) , Christopher Jordan(City of Pittsburgh Bureau of Police) , Phil Smith III(Voltage Security, Inc.) and Patrick Gray(Vanguard Integrity Professionals)

The world of computer cybercrime is a dark and murky world which is constantly changing with new threats and new people on the hunt for personal data or just to have some fun. It's critical that everyone understands the danger, how to combat it and that everyone plays a vital role in the world of data security.

Cybercrime is not necessarily a new phenomenon, but it is an evolving one. From the "phone phreaks" of the '60s and '70s, who would employ various techniques to leverage the telecommunications systems in place at the time to the piracy issues plaguing the digital entertainment industry today to identity theft; the technology has changed - but the root of the issue is still the same… Social engineering is alive and well in the world today.

From people identifying exploits, to people enabling these exploits, to people controlling botnets and making these botnets available, there's an entire black economy that has developed and it has made it easier for people to launch attacks on a much larger scale than what was previously possible. And where do the "white hat" hackers fit in? Is cybercrime really taking over the world? Join us for an interesting and informative panel discussion with several cybercrime experts with diverse backgrounds and listen to their tales from the crypt.

You can submit your questions in advance to Carla Flores at

Tracks: Network Systems, Security and Compliance, Security in the Enterprise and User Experience
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