Thursday, August 7, 2014: 8:30 AM-9:30 AM
Room 305 (David L. Lawrence Convention Center)
Robert Gensler(IBM)
The DB2 online utilities first introduced options to use DFSMSdss and FlashCopy in Version 8. Since then the online utilities have continued to expand their usage of DFSMSdss/DFSMShsm and FlashCopy. This session will not only describe the utilities and how they invoke DFSMSdss but also give you some practical hints and tips on asking the right questions to simplify your choice of FlashCopy options and how to control FlashCopy in system level backups, system level recoveries, and when recovering objects. This is a must session for any DB2 users but also beneficial for anyone who invokes DFSMSdss.
Tracks: Storage