SHARE in Pittsburgh

15473: Change You Can Believe In: Every Change Is an Outage Waiting to Happen...

Thursday, August 7, 2014: 8:30 AM-9:30 AM
Room 306 (David L. Lawrence Convention Center)
Speaker: Kevin Parker(Serena Software)
  • Presentation (1.6 MB)
  • About Serena (2.9 MB)
  • "If it isn't broken don't fix it" goes the adage. But we are in the business of change and we are very good at it. However, once in a while, an accidental (or malicious) change gets past us and we go into emergency mode.

    Change is at the core of who are and we have hundreds of processes, checkpoints, disaster recovery strategies, audit controls, approval mechanisms and endless testing to ensure we are never surprised. And yet we still are.

    What if we changed the very nature of change? What if we made change a competency in its own right within IT? What if we were to shift our focus from the "what" and the "why" to just "what's new" and "why now?" Scrutiny of the differences saves time, saves resources and saves outages. From how we design, develop, test, deploy and manage what matters is what's new. 

    In this session our speaker will discuss shifting how we look at our evolving IT infrastructure so that next time we deploy something new there is hope, not fear, there is excitement, not worry and there is confidence, not concern. Truly change you can believe in.

    Tracks: IT Services Delivery and Security and Compliance
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