SHARE in Anaheim

15312: MVS Storage: Free-For-All

Wednesday, March 12, 2014: 6:00 PM-7:00 PM
Orange County Salon 2 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
Speakers: Barbara W. McDonald(IBM Corporation) and Russell Witt(CA Technologies)

Take advantage of this opportunity to discuss any issues related to Storage on z/OS. Ask questions and get answers from your counterparts at other customer sites as well as "experts" from IBM and ISVs. This informal session is a great way to learn new ways of doing things and to get tips on how to improve configuration and/or management of your storage environment. Also, this is a great session just to ask general "how to" questions or to find out what other clients are doing in regard to storage.

See more of Project: MVS Storage Management
See more of Program: MVS