SHARE in Anaheim

14751: Setting Up and Using Rational Team Concert's ISPF Client for Source Control

Wednesday, March 12, 2014: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Grand Ballroom Salon K (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
Speaker: Liam Doherty(IBM Corporation)
  • RTC ISPF Client setup and use (2.9 MB)
  • This session will take you through setting up the z/OS system definitions required to start using Rational Team Concert's (RTC) ISPF Client. We will then demo using the ISPF client to manage your source code, both regular text files such as JCL and REXX as well as compilable source. We will also discuss setting up build definitions in order to compile your source and look at some less common objects that can be stored and built in RTC.

    Tracks: Application Development and Software Architecture