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14040: The World of z/OS Dispatching on the zEC12 Processor

Monday, August 12, 2013: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM
Room 302 (Hynes Convention Center)
Speaker: Glenn Anderson(IBM Corporation)
  • The World of z/OS Dispatching on the zEC12 Processor (617.6 kB)
  • This session provides an update on how the interaction between the zEC12 processor and z/OS manages the dispatching of work - transaction and server workloads with multiple dispatchable units - TCBs, SRBs, enclave SRBs. HiperDispatch now plays a role in how ready work gets dispatched in z/OS, as well as how PR/SM dispatches logical CPs. In addition, some of these workloads are also eligible to be redirected to zIIP and zAAP specialty engines. Let’s connect all these pieces together to understand WLM management, what makes work eligible for zIIPs and zAAPs, and the current role of HiperDispatch.

    Tracks: Performance/Capacity Planning and z/OS Systems Programming
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