George J. D'Iorio, National, Speaker's, Association
Director, IT Infrastructure
Martin's Point Health Care

Biographical Sketch:
George D'Iorio is a dynamic speaker with more than three decades of Information Technology experience. He has implemented major technical and process improvements at Liberty Mutual, GTE, Unum Life Insurance, and L.L. Bean, and has created leadership and professional development programs covering a broad range of topics. His background as a systems engineer, project leader, and in numerous managerial assignments, have helped him acquire a substantial base of practical knowledge and experience. George has spoken extensively on communication and leadership topics and has mentored numerous people, including SHARE past presidents. He is currently the Director of IT Infrastructure at Martin's Point Health Care in Portland, Maine. George is a veteran speaker at technical conferences, a long term member of the National Speaker's Association, and a five-time recipient of SHARE's 'Best Session' Award.