SHARE in San Francisco

13031: SDSF Beyond the Basics

Monday, February 4, 2013: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM
Yosemite C, Ballroom Level (San Francisco Hilton)
Speaker: Bruce Koss(Wells Fargo Financial)
  • 13031 - SDSF - Beyond the Basics (637.6 kB)
  • This session will start off with the basics and lead up to more advanced ways to customize/use System Search and Display Facility (SDSF) to increase productivity. The presentation will show how to configure and personalize the screens, execute SDSF in batch jobs and code SDSF REXX programs. We’ll cover several SDSF commands, from ARRANGE to FILTER, and provide simple, easy-to-use examples on coding SDSF REXX and batch jobs. The main objective of this session is to provide knowledge on how to quickly and easily obtain the information you need, in less time and effort.

    Tracks: z/OS Systems Programming and zNextGen
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