This Hands-on Lab offers customers the test-drives to look at the newest OMEGAMON V5 with Enhanced 3270 (e3270) User Interfaces. Come and explore how OMEGAMON z/OS Suite of solutions can help monitor and solve system performance issues across multiple LPARs, CICS, IMS, DB2 and MQ with faster problem determination techniques. We offer 10 performance monitoring usage scenario modules running on live z/OS systems at your choice with self-pace:
OMEGAMON e3270 Introduction, OMEGAMON e3270 for z/OS, CICS, DB2, IMS, MQ, and Storage Usage Scenario Exercises, and the GUI - Tivoli Enterprise Portal Introduction, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Customization. Each unit takes about 15-20 minutes. Whether you are an administrator or an end user, you will gain the first hand experience with the latest OMEGAMON real-time monitoring technology on live z/OS Systems.