SHARE in San Francisco

12570: General Session: The Passion of Leadership

Monday, February 4, 2013: 8:00 AM-9:15 AM
Grand Ballroom B, Grand Ballroom Level (San Francisco Hilton)
Speaker: Henry Givray(SmithBucklin Corporation)
  • 12 Distinguishing Qualities That Define True Leaders (237.2 kB)
  • Leadership Lessons from Mom (239.3 kB)
  • The Passion of Leadership (84.4 kB)
  • Henry believes that leadership is the uniquely consistent and defining force behind great, enduring organizations. But what is leadership? We know when we see it. We can measure its impact. And we can feel how it inspires us. But leadership is an elusive concept for which there are no simple formulas or set rules. Therefore, leadership can’t be taught, it must be learned through a process of personal, active engagement and self-discovery. Henry’s presentation is designed to help others identify opportunities to grow as leaders, while also building their commitment to continuous learning in this area. During the session, he will share essential foundational principles ad concepts around leadership, introduce a working framework to help attendees better understand and ultimately measure leadership capacity and performance, and offer practical ideas and tools for everyday use.

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