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11948: 360⁰ Capacity Management: get all angles covered

Thursday, August 9, 2012: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Grand Ballroom Salon J (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
Speaker: Charles Johnson(Metron-Athene)

Today Cloud Computing is one of the major challenges for Capacity Managers.  Capacity Managers have to take into account not only what may be happening internally with Private Clouds, but in some instances departments have gone outside and contracted for services with outside Cloud providers.  Even with the contracting of outside services, the Capacity Manager continues to be responsible for ensuring there are enough resources for use by the enterprise. 


This brings into the discussion the concept of 360⁰ Capacity Management.  Capacity Managers are responsible for more than the resource usage of servers, but also the network, SAN devices and Applications.  This holds true whether those resources are internal, external or hybrid.  Where resources are external in the Cloud, you might not be able to have the same sort of access to those resources as you have to internal resources, but the expectations on your capacity management if key services will be no different.  This brings into vogue the need for tools and processes to address all those areas as much as one can.  ‘Something is better than nothing’ and for the effective Capacity Manager, something good can be done despite the challenges.


Come join this presentation to learn about the following:

-          Capacity Management challenges for Cloud Computing environments

-          Application Performance Management

-          How Forecasting is not only the use of Modeling, but encompasses other techniques

-          How to corral Capacity Management information from different areas into a cohesive set of reports 

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