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11806: Recent z/OS Enhancements You Can Use to Reduce Down Time

Tuesday, August 7, 2012: 11:00 AM-12:15 PM
Platinum Ballroom Salon 1 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
Speakers: Frank Kyne(IBM Corporation) and Karan K. Singh(IBM Corporation)
  • Session 11806 - Exploiting Recent z/OS Enhancements (1.3 MB)
  • Recent z/OS releases have delivered many new functions that you either might be unaware of, or have not had the time to investigate and implement.  And yet many of these functions only require a few minutes to install and implement - if only you could find the time. This session will step you through a live (and quick) install of some of these high-value-yet-easy-to-implement functions, and demonstrate the use of each one.  Functions that may be covered include: Auto Reply, Auto IPL, BCPii, System Status Detection Partitioning Protocol, JES2 Dynamic Protocol, MVS Message Flooding, z/OS HealthChecker, and SMF record flooding control.  Not bad going for a long lunch break's worth of work.

    Implementing BCPii: 20 mins; Implementing SSDPP: 10 mins; Reducing Downtime: Priceless - Come see a live demo.

    Tracks: z/OS Systems Programming
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