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11718: What's New (and Not So New) in z/OS

Monday, August 6, 2012: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM
Platinum Ballroom Salon 5 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
Speaker: John Eells(IBM Corporation)
  • What's New (and not so new) in z/OS (2.4 MB)
  • What's New (and not so new) in z/OS - For Reference (3.0 MB)
  • In this session, the speaker will provide an overview of useful enhancements delivered over the past few releases that might have escaped your notice, and of z/OS V1.13 facilities and features in z/OS that affect system programmers and developers. He will discuss highlights of scalability and performance, availability, management, security, application development, and usability functions.  Updated for Anaheim.  zNextGen members are welcome!

    Tracks: z/OS Systems Programming and zNextGen
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