SHARE in Anaheim

11459: Modernizing CICS -- Hands-on Lab, Part 2 of 2

Friday, August 10, 2012: 9:30 AM-10:30 AM
Orange County - Salon 2/3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
Speaker: Geoff Pirie(Hursley Labs)

This 'part 2' session allows you to continue your hands-on experience with
the CICS features and facilities you have heard about here at the SHARE
Conference.  In this lab session,  you will be able to select one or more
exercises from a large set of self-directed scripts including Event Processing, CICS Dynamic Scripting, Web services, Java application development, CICS System Management, the CICS Explorer, CICS Tools, and others.  Only attending Part 2 will be beneficial, however, for maximum benefit, start with the part 1 lab
exercise and continue into this part 2 session completing multiple CICS
exercises for maximum hands-on experience.

Tracks: Application Development, CICS Systems Programming and Software Architecture
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See more of Program: Application Architecture Development