Tivoli Certified Software IT Specialist
IBM Corporation
IBM Corporation
Biographical Sketch: Mike Bonett is an Executive I/T Specialist within the IBM Americas Advanced Technical Skills organization. He currently provides technical support and consulting to customer organizations and IBM personnel on the management of the System z environment, the IBM Tivoli systems management product suite, and on processes that aid the productive and efficient management of the Information Technology environment. Mike has over 30 years of technical and management experience in marketing, designing and implementing availability, automation, and enterprise management technology and process solutions. He has presented at many technical conferences, including SHARE and the System z Technical University.
11523: Forecasting Performance Metrics using the IBM Tivoli Performance Analyzer 11524: The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Infrastructure on System z and zEnterprise
11630: Getting Started with the Unified Resource Manager (zManager) APIs for zEnterprise Monitoring and Discovery
11905: Using NetView for z/OS for Enterprise-Wide Event Management and Automation