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SHARE in Anaheim

8463: Introduction to the new Linux on System z Terminal Server using IUCV

Monday, February 28, 2011: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Room 203B (Anaheim Convention Center)
Speaker: Hans-Joachim Picht (IBM Corporation)
  • share-2011-feb-iucv.pdf (1.1 MB)
  • How often have you reconfigured your network setup using a line-mode terminal?  Can you use “ed” to change and correct your configuration files? Why not use your favorite full screen editor?


    IBM has introduced a new full-screen terminal access to Linux instances on the same z/VM system, using the Inter-User Communications Vehicle (IUCV). This feature is part the latest Enterprise Distributions for System z and provides an alternative terminal access to 3270 and 3215 line-mode terminals, especially for the Linux system administrator with basic z/VM skills only. Another use case is the system administration in a tight security environment, where sensitive Linux instances are isolated from the local IP networks. You will learn how to set up a Linux instance as a terminal server for a virtual Linux server farm on z/VM.

    Tracks: Linux Systems Management and z/VM Systems Programming
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