Monday, February 28, 2011: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM
Room 211A (Anaheim Convention Center)
Roger Miller (IBM Corporation)
Ann Hernandez (IBM Corporation)
DB2 10 for z/OS is the most interesting release in more than 20 years. Come to hear the latest news as we take this work out of the box to see what you get.
Reduce CPU time, reduce cost More concurrent work, more uptime More work through the computer, less work for you
We'll discuss early customer experiences and show you why customer faces are smiling. Here are some faces in the crowd.
7% CPU reduction for rebound CICS transactions, straight out of the box
6 times more SAP active threads, 13440 SD users.
38% CPU reduction for heavy concurrent insert with data sharing
Come to hear more.
Tracks: Applications Programming, Software Architecture and z/OS Systems Programming