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SHARE in Anaheim

8406: Using the IBM Health Checker for z/OS to Sustain System Integrity

Monday, February 28, 2011: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Room 207B (Anaheim Convention Center)
Speakers: Paul Robichaux (New Era Software, Inc.) and Jerry Seefeldt (New Era Software, Inc.)
  • Share_Anaheim_hckr.pdf (2.9 MB)
  • The IBM Health Checker for z/OS offers a substantial number of z/OS System and RACF Checks that can be used within its framework to constantly monitor for and report on conditions that would result in diminished overall system integrity at the Logical Partition (LPAR) level. This presentation will provide an operational overview of the IBM Health Checker for z/OS and call out processes from the currently available Inventory of Checks that can be used to maintain high levels of automated vigilance over:

    - The RACF Environment

    - The State of RACF Policies

    - The APF Dataset Authorization Process

    - The Protection Afforded Critical System Datasets

    Actual Check examples will be given that detail check content, expressed severity and recommended courses of corrective action. Suggestions will be given as to how specific checks can be used to:

    - Reduce compliance cost

    - Improve operational effectiveness

    - Heighten cooperative operational vigilance

    Education value: Information Security and Compliance Officers, Security Administrators, System and Operational staffs will learn how to efficiently and continuously monitor platform-wide z/OS and RACF integrity and in doing so gain increased focus on LPAR specific risk conditions that can impact system integrity and availability.

    Tracks: Enterprise Data Center Management, Security Administration, Security and Privacy Best Practices and z/OS Systems Programming
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