IBM Corporation
Biographical Sketch: Janet Wall is the Product Manager of the IBM Websphere ILOG Business Rule Management System (BRMS), Websphere Business Events and Websphere Buisness Process Management (BPM) focused on the System z Solutions. Her responsibilities include development of the BRMS z Solution Product Strategy, which includes the tactical and strategic direction of the these business solutions on z products as well as the planning of the product integration with other IBM z products and development of the product requirements. Prior to the Product Manager position, Janet was for ILOG BRMS Release Management as well as BRMS Product Marketing Strategy, development and deployment related to the JRules Product. Janet has approximately 30 years of IT experience in both mainframe and distributed environments. Janet has spent the majority of her career in assisting customers understanding the benefits and how to apply best practices within Business Rule and Business Process Management. Janet was a contributing author of the Business Rule Applied Book and has authored several Business Rule and Business Rule Mining articles.
8995: An Introduction to Business Rules 9108: Effective Application Technologies and Architectures for Timely Business Solutions