17448: Implementing and Using Extended-Addressing Volumes (EAV)

Monday, August 10, 2015: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM
Europe 3 (Walt Disney World Dolphin )
Speaker: Steve Pryor(DTS Software, Inc.)
  • Implementing and Using EAV (590.9 kB)
  • Beginning as far back as z/OS version 1.10, IBM introduced Extended Address Volumes, or EAV. The increasing demand for z/OS storage is driving new interest in this architecture, which now supports virtually all types of data. EAV volumes can be much larger in size than traditional z/OS volumes, and contain structures, such as cylinder-managed areas, and format 8 and 9 DSCBs, that are different from those found on ordinary z/OS DASD. This session will examine what EAV volumes are, how they are defined and used, and their advantages and disadvantages and considerations for implementation.

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