IBM Corporation
Biographical Sketch: Glenn Anderson is currently a Consulting IT Specialist with the z/OS Curriculum of IBM Training. In addition to delivering classes on performance, WebSphere and security, Glenn is a popular speaker at large systems conferences throughout the world. During his over 30 years with IBM, Glenn has held positions in sales, technical support and management. His current areas of focus include WebSphere for z/OS, on demand security, SOA and cloud computing, the z/OS Workload Manager, and all aspects of System z, zEnterprise, and Parallel Sysplex performance. Glenn holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Missouri University of Science and Technology. In his private life, Glenn is active in Chicago area theater as a member of an improvisational acting troupe.
17441: z/OS Powerpoint Karaoke 17642: Your Changing z/OS Performance Management World: New Workloads, New Skills
17644: Configuring and Using SMF Logstreams with zEDC Compression
17705: Connect the Dots: a z13 and z/OS Dispatching Update
17794: The Sysprog's Guide to the Customer Facing Mainframe: Cloud/Mobile/Social/Big Data