SHARE in Seattle

17182: Breakfast and Learn: Simplifying Virtualization Management for Workload Consolidation on Linux on System z

Wednesday, March 4, 2015: 7:15 AM-8:15 AM
Metropolitan A (Level 3) (Sheraton Seattle)
Speakers: Beth Sarnie(IBM Corporation) and Pat Hayes(IBM Corporation)

Come learn about how IBM's new solution for helping you manage the various aspects around the virtual environment that is the underpinning for Linux on System z workloads in the new IBM Infrastructure Suite for z/VM and Linux.  IBM Infrastructure Suite for z/VM and Linux includes the new IBM WAVE tool to help simplify the administration of the z/VM hypervisor coupled with our monitoring, backup and operations tools.  Whether you're about to deploy a private cloud project to automate deployment of your Linux workloads or just trying to better automate and manage your existing workloads and ensure your infrastructure is optimized, IBM Infrastructure Suite for z/VM and Linux will help you connect the dots. We'll share some best practices, hear client experiences and demo some of what's possible with this collection of tools so come join us and see what's now available.

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