SHARE in Seattle

16785: Using z/OS to Access a Public Cloud - Beyond the Hand-Waving

Thursday, March 5, 2015: 8:30 AM-9:30 AM
Jefferson B (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
Speakers: Kirk Wolf(Dovetailed Technologies, LLC) and Steve Goetze(Dovetailed Technologies, LLC)
  • Using z/OS to Access a Public Cloud (1.6 MB)
  • This session will provide you with working examples and code for using public cloud services to generate and publish a million PDF documents using input from z/OS data sets.  This presentation will *not* discuss the market importance of cloud, the taxonomy of cloud services, analyst predictions, or similar executive hand-waving, lip-service, or marketing.  Expect instead to see scripts, code, and JCL for launching public cloud processing from a z/OS batch job.  All examples will be made available so you can use and adapt them to your own requirements.

    Tracks: Cloud as a Disruptive Technology, Software Architecture and z/OS Systems Programming
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