SHARE in Seattle

16710: COBOL V5 User Experience

Wednesday, March 4, 2015: 10:00 AM-11:00 AM
University (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
Speaker: Brian Peterson(United Healthcare Group)
  • COBOL 5 User Experience (474.1 kB)
  • IBM introduced Enterprise COBOL Version 5 in June 2013. This product is the largest change in COBOL compiler technology in decades.  Come and hear about how one company introduced COBOL V5 to their development team, what roadblocks they ran into, IBM's solutions to many of those problems and the company solutions to other problems.  Hear about real-world migration chalenges due to a new COBOL code generator in COBOL V5 in combination with hidden 'bugs' in their COBOL inventory.  The company had these coding errors for years but they did not cause problems until they started using COBOL V5.

    At this session, the speaker will describe his company's strategy for deploying Enterprise COBOL Version 5.

    Tracks: Application Development, Performance/Capacity Planning, User Experience and z/OS Systems Programming
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