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16691: REXX Language Coding Techniques

Thursday, March 5, 2015: 3:15 PM-4:15 PM
University (Level 4) (Sheraton Seattle)
Speaker: Tracy Dean(IBM Corporation)
  • REXX Language Coding Techniques (370.3 kB)
  • This session presentation is aimed at the beginning to intermediate REXX programmer who wants to gain further insight on better REXX programming techniques.  We'll review
    - What REXX products (and related products) are available - both free and priced
    - Coding techniques
    - Hints and tips
    - Key instructions (like ADDRESS, PARSE, STORAGE, etc.)
    - Compound variables vs data stack
    - Troubleshooting and programming styles for REXX.

    Tracks: Application Development, z/OS Systems Programming and z/VM Systems Programming
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    See more of Project: LE and Programming Languages
    See more of Program: Application Architecture Development