Judy Ruby-Brown
Executive I/T Specialist
IBM Corporation

Biographical Sketch:
Judy Ruby-Brown has 25 years of experience in DB2 technical support. She is an Executive I/T Specialist in IBM’s zGrowth Washington Systems Center (formerly ATS or Dallas Systems Center_ Her expertise includes z/OS Parallel Sysplex, DB2 data sharing including virtual storage, recovery, high availability and off-site disaster recovery. She has provided DB2 data sharing consulting services to over 25 of the largest IBM clients in the form of Parallel Sysplex Health Checks 2002-present. She has published flashes and white papers, such as “DB2 9 and z/OS XML System Services Synergy”, “XES Auto Alter”, “XES Reallocate”, “Samples for the DB2 JDBC Universal Driver”, “WAS 4.0 and DB2 V7 Conundrum”. She provided education for the DB2 10 and 11 ESP customers for FlashCopy enhancements. She has been a reviewer on multiple redbooks and coauthored Managing the Planned Outage (2014), DB2 for z/OS Data Sharing in a Nutshell (October, 2006), DB2 UDB for z/OS: Disaster Recovery (November, 2004), and others. She has spoken at user groups such as the IDUG (North American, European, and Asia-Pacific Conferences), numerous IOD, IBM DB2 Technical Conferences, and SHARE, on disaster recovery and parallel sysplex topics.