IBM UK Laboratories Limited
Biographical Sketch: Phil Wakelin works for IBM UK in Hursley, and is a member of the CICS strategy and design team. He has worked with many CICS technologies for the last 20 years, and is currently responsible for planning new functionality in the area of Liberty profile and CICS Java support. He is the author of many white papers, SupportPacs and IBM Redbooks in the area of CICS Transaction Processing, and is an IBM Certified System Programmer - CICS Transaction Server V5.2 for z/OS.
16555: Taming the Beast - Best Practices of zFS with CICS 16562: Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité – a Mini CICS and WebSphere Revolution
16563: CICS Cloud + CICS DevOps = Agility2
16566: Raising Healthy Java apps in CICS using the Java Health Center