Storage technologies continue to evolve providing higher capacities and more performance at various price points. Every data center is tasked to optimize every piece of equipment that is procured. The best way to fully optimize your storage equipment and reduce overall costs is to have a layered (or in current terminology, tiered) storage design. The information needed and used most frequently is stored on high-speed systems, typically magnetic disk. As information ages and access rates decrease, it is moved to a higher-capacity, but slower and lower-cost, tier. This longer-term storage typically has automated storage libraries, and some type of magnetic tape. In some cases, yet another tier provides for very long-term storage, often by storing media from the automated libraries in secure locations. Tape virtualization can radically change the efficiency of calculating, capturing and connecting to data. The data center presents a ripe opportunity to fundamentally and comprehensively address today’s data storage challenges. In this session, the speaker will detail how you can utilize a virtual tape architecture leveraging disk and or tape technologies in order for you and your enterprise to become more efficient and at the same time save money.