SHARE in Pittsburgh

15503: What's Wrong with MQ?

Wednesday, August 6, 2014: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Room 403 (David L. Lawrence Convention Center)
Speaker: Lee E. Wheaton(M&T Bank)
  • 15503-What's wrong with MQ? (1.0 MB)
  • If you support Websphere MQ at your shop, you will eventually be asked the question: what's wrong with MQ? This session reviews actual case studies of production issues affecting the MQ infrastructure and where MQ was not necessarily the root cause. Due to the time allotted, the following areas will be touched on: being proactive vs reactive, problems 'r us, network related errors, server errors, application related errors and trouble shooting of these errors.

    Tracks: Middleware, User Experience and z/OS Systems Programming
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    See more of Project: WebSphere MQ
    See more of Program: Application Architecture Development