SHARE in Anaheim

15212: Overcoming the Challenges of Running Linux and the Cloud on System z

Friday, March 14, 2014: 8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Platinum Ballroom Salon 5 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
Speakers: Andrew Chapman(CA Technologies) and Brian Jagos(CA Technologies)

There’s no doubt that System z provides huge value to companies deploying Cloud-based solutions and general Linux environments. It brings  the ultimate platform for Reliability, Accessibility, Security, Stability and Scalability as well as direct access to mainframe subsystems. It can often be the lowest cost option for certain environments. So why isn’t it more widely used by companies and how can you bring today’s tools to bear to help the business see this value?

In this session you will hear advice on how to overcome the resistance to using System z as an alternative to a conventional distributed architecture. The session will include practical advice, examples of successful deployments and data that supports the move.

Tracks: Linux Systems Management

See more of Project: Linux
See more of Program: Linux & VM