SHARE in Anaheim

14958: RACF/PKI Update

Monday, March 10, 2014: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Platinum Ballroom Salon 3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
Speaker: Ross Cooper(IBM Corporation)
  • RACF and PKI Update (570.7 kB)
  • In this session, we will examine the new RACF and PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) features available in the latest releases of z/OS, focusing on the new function in z/OS V2.1 and V1.13. Topics that we cover include: RACF Common Criteria news, RRSF updates, RACF Health Checks, RACF DB Unload updates, RACDCERT Certificate improvements, PKI EV (Extended Validation) Certificates, PKI CRL (Certificate Revocation List) notification, PKI Administration enhancements and more.

    Tracks: Security and Compliance, Security in the Enterprise and z/OS Systems Programming

    See more of Project: Security and Compliance
    See more of Program: Enterprise Data Center