SHARE in Anaheim

14788: Business Agility � Unlocking Your Legacy Code

Thursday, March 13, 2014: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM
Platinum Ballroom Salon 3 (Anaheim Marriott Hotel)
Speakers: Denise P. Kalm(Kalm Kreative) and John Rhodes(CM First Group)
  • Presentation (2.1 MB)
  • TechnicalDebtWhitepaper (982.6 kB)
  • Move to the cloud?  Support mobile devices?  Manage Big Data?  Your treasure chest of legacy code – the code that powers your business – is locked to a hardware platform or operating system.  But it doesn’t have to be.   Nor do you have to go through a painful code rewrite or opt for wholesale replacement.  We will share our experiences in helping companies bring their legacy applications into the 21st century.  Learn some of the options for safe and sane code modernization, unlocking the value of your investment and freeing it to enable you to embrace future business growth.

    Tracks: Application Development, IT Services Delivery, Software Architecture and User Experience